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Tay-Sachs disease has an eye spot that is red on the back of the retina.

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Q: What genetic disorder is characterized by retina defects?
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Is myopia a refraction disorder?

Yes. It usually occurs as the result of an elongated eyeball. In this case, the focal point occurs in front of the retina.

What is the layer of photoreceptors?

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What is the back of the eye called?

Your Retina

What is the sensitive surface of the eye that acts like the film in a camera?

It's actually called the lens, which is in the cornea.

What is the mucsular dystrophy?

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Where is the photoreceptor located?

the back portion of the eye

Why you call hemorrhage in superficial retina Flame-shaped hemorrhages?

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Which are the defects of eye?

myopia,hyperopia,astigmatism,being cross-eyed, stye, sore eyes, granular eyelid, trachoma, glaucoma, and cataract.