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Q: What geographic feature occurs along two continental convergent plates?
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Related questions

Which plate boundary occurs as continental crust collides with continental crust?

Convergent plate boundaries.

What is a continental convergence?

A continental-continental convergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move against together, creating folded mountain ranges.

What happens when oceanic and continental plates collide?

At this type of convergent boundary the oceanic plate will be subducted, or sink into the mantle underneath the continental plate. Volcanoes often form near these boundaries.

Is rhyolite formed at convergent plate boundaries?

That is most often where it occurs, but it can also be found at continental hot spots.

Why does oceanic crust dive underneath continental crust?

This process is known as subduction and occurs at convergent plate boundaries because oceanic crust is denser than continental crust.

What type of boundary is made when plates collide?

continental plates meeting form fault lines

Which plate boundary destroys crust?

Crust is destroyed at the convergent plate boundary. This is usually between the oceanic and continental plates. This is where subduction of the more dense crust occurs.

Where does convergent plate tectonic occurs?

by my foot

What occurs at convergent plate boundarie?


Is a process that occurs at the convergent boundaries?

Slub pull.

What fault occurs at convergent boundarys?

A reverse fault

What fault generally occurs at a convergent boundary.?
