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The Brazilian Portuguese equivalent to the English phrase 'good luck' is the following: Boa sorte. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: BOH-uh SAW-tchee. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'boa' means 'good'; and 'sorte' 'luck'. It's uncomfortable to venture into the realm of gestures, particularly in such a diverse country as Brazil. For the country is described as a melting pot of cultures. languages and peoples. And Brazilians are unified in their speaking of their language, and in their devotion to their country. But their ethnic backgrounds are so varied that a gesture that's fine to one Brazilian isn't to another.

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Boa Sorte. [BOh-ah Sorch]

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Q: What gesture would a Brazilian make to wish you good luck?
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Yes, they are completely real. You might of asked this question because of the Disney channel show Good luck charlie. The episode where Bob Duncan brings home Brazilian termites.

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