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Kyla Klocko

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Q: What gives a cell its shape and is made of protein fibers?
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System of the microscopic protein fibers that supports the shape of the cell is?


What is the system of microscopic protein fibers that supports the shape of the cell called?


What provides strength in shape to the cell network of protein fibers?

is a series of porotein fobers inside a cell that give structure and shape to the cell.

What protein inside the cell gives the cell it's shape?

cell wall

What protein fiber that forms the cell supporting network?

The meshlike network of protein fibers that supports the shape of the cell is either cellulose (cell wall) or the cytoskeleton (inside).

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Its so it gives the cell shape, the same as a bone in a body, it gives it form. Edited answer: Helps in protein synthesis

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the web of protein fibers that help organize the parts of eukaryotic cell make up?

The system of microscopic protein fibers that supports the shape of the cell is called?

All cells, except those of most bacteria, contain components of the cytoskeleton. They help the cell remain rigid but also help it move and change its shape when instructed to do so. Components of the cytoskeleton also enable cilia, flagella and sperm to move, cell organelles to be moved and positioned, and muscles to function. During cell division these components also assist by pulling the daughter chromosomes to opposite ‘poles’ in the dividing process. Throughout the life of the cell various molecules and cargo containing vesicles are transported around the cell by motor proteins. These move along the protein filaments using them as rail road tracts rather like a railway locomotive runs on.

A plant cell's cell wall does something for the cell What does it do?

The cell wall provides structural support and protection for the plant cell, helping maintain its shape and prevent it from bursting when water enters the cell. It also acts as a barrier to pathogens, toxins, and other harmful substances. Additionally, the cell wall allows for communication and adhesion between neighboring plant cells.

Framework of filaments and fibers involved in cell support and movement?

The cytoskeleton is the framework of filaments and fibers within a cell that provides structure, support, and aids in cell movement. It consists of three main components: microfilaments (actin filaments), intermediate filaments, and microtubules. These components work together to maintain cell shape, facilitate cellular transport, and enable cell motility.