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Bc its fckn water

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Q: What gives water the ability to cross the hydrophobic region of a cell membrane when other small polar molecules and ions cannot?
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What is the chemical biological relevance of polar molecules?

our cells are surrounded by a cell membrane that is a lipid bilayer. this means that the hydrophilic heads, like water, are pointed towards the inside of the cell and the cells' exteriors. this allows polar molecules to move through the membrane and be dissolved within the membrane. the hydrophobic tails of this lipic bilayer are pointed towards eachother. these cannot be in contact with water or nothing will dissolve or be able to pass through them. O==O, the circles are the hydrophilic heads and the lines are the hydrophobic tails.

What molecules won't diffuse passively across a membrane?

Larger molecules, such as glucose. The cell membrane is made up of phospholipid molecules, which are phosphate "heads" with two lipid "tails". Since the lipid tails are nonpolar, and thus hydrophobic (do not dissolve in water, and are repelled), polar molecules, like water, cannot pass through the membrane. Certain small, nonpolar molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide can fit through without the use of energy. Large molecules and some ions (for example, Na+ and K+ in the sodium-potassium pump) are drawn into the cells by carrier proteins, possibly up the concentration gradient, which requires energy.

How do hydrophobic and hydrophilic relate to the structure of a cell membrane?

The cell plasma membrane is made of bipolar fatty acids with the fatty (uncharged) hydrophopic part pointed towards the inside of the plasma membrane and the hydrophillic (charged) part facing the inside of the cell or the outside of the cell.

How easy or hard is it for polar molecules to pass through the cell membrane?

Polar molecules are effectively charged molecules. It's hard for them to cross the cell membrane because the membrane is comprised of an uncharged phospholipid bilayer. Charged molecules tend to have specific protein channels that allow them to cross the membrane.

What can you conclude about the permeability of potato cytoplasm with respect to sucrose and water molecules?

H20 molecules can pass through the membrane freely, however sucrose molecules are too large.

Related questions

Explain how hydrophobic molecules cross cell membranes?

cell membranes are made of a lipid bilayer, molecules with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. These molecules arrange in parallel lines with the tails facing inwards towards each other and the heads facing outwards towards the water. Hydrophobic molecules are drawn into the lipid bilayer, trying to get away from the water.

Why cant polar molecules and ions diffuse across the cell membrane?

Ions cannot diffuse through a phospholipid bilayer because they are not able to dissolve in lipids, hence the phosphoLIPID bilayer . Also, since they have an electrical charge, they are repelled by the membrane.

Are polar molecules hydrophillic?

No, non-polar molecules are hydrophobic because they cannot form hydrogen bonds. A good example of this would be a cell membrane. The fatty acids in the lipid bilayer are non-polar and hydrophobic, while the polar ends that face the outside and inside of the cell are hydrophilic.

What Particular molecules or ions freely cross the plasma membrane with assistance?

large polar molecules cannot pass through the membrane. only nonpolar and small polar molecules can pass through, and they only go from high to low concentration or else they need assistance from active transport.

What particle can penetrate cell membrane easily?

particles that are small and hydrophobic and semipermeable. hydrophobic ions those that are soluble in lipids-- can easily pass through the membrane. In addition, small molecules like O2can sneak between the phospholipids of the membrane. On the other hand, hydrophilic molecules (like water and glucose) and ions (such as sodium ions and hydrogen ions) cannot pass directly through the phospholipids of the plasma membrane.

What happens to a cell during the the process of endocytosis?

A process where cells absorb material molecules such as proteins from the outside by engulfing it with their cell membrane. It is used by all cells of the body because most substances important to them are large polar molecules, and thus cannot pass through the hydrophobic plasma membrane. The function of endocytosis is the opposite of exocytosis.

How do cells transport molecules across a cell membrane?

Molecules can move through the membrane in many ways. If the molecule is hydrophobic (or lipophilic) it can easily pass through the membrane. Other than that, most molecules move through the membrane through channels (which flow towards the molecules concentration gradient) or pumps (which flow against a molecules concentration gradient using energy).

What is the chemical biological relevance of polar molecules?

our cells are surrounded by a cell membrane that is a lipid bilayer. this means that the hydrophilic heads, like water, are pointed towards the inside of the cell and the cells' exteriors. this allows polar molecules to move through the membrane and be dissolved within the membrane. the hydrophobic tails of this lipic bilayer are pointed towards eachother. these cannot be in contact with water or nothing will dissolve or be able to pass through them. O==O, the circles are the hydrophilic heads and the lines are the hydrophobic tails.

What the role of protein channels in the cell membrane?

Protein channels are important to facilitate the transport of ions and other larger molecules across the plasma membrane. Large molecules cannot just diffuse thorough the membrane. In addition, polar molecules cannot diffuse through the membrane since it would be energetically unfavorable for them to negotiate the hydrophobic interior of the plasma membrane. Therefore, protein channels are essential in membrane transport.

What do molecules do in water?

Hydrophobic molecules do not dissolve in water. This is because water is hydrophilic. Another way to say this is that lipids, which are nonpolar, cannot dissolve in water, which in polar.

Why water molecules cannot diffuse directly through the phosolipids bilayer?

Hydrophobic centre of the phospholipid bilayer prevents non-liquid soluble molecules from passing through.

What molecules won't diffuse passively across a membrane?

Larger molecules, such as glucose. The cell membrane is made up of phospholipid molecules, which are phosphate "heads" with two lipid "tails". Since the lipid tails are nonpolar, and thus hydrophobic (do not dissolve in water, and are repelled), polar molecules, like water, cannot pass through the membrane. Certain small, nonpolar molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide can fit through without the use of energy. Large molecules and some ions (for example, Na+ and K+ in the sodium-potassium pump) are drawn into the cells by carrier proteins, possibly up the concentration gradient, which requires energy.