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The adrenal and pituitary glands put out the hormones aldosterone and vasopressin, respectively, and these hormones control the way the kidneys (organs) maintain the correct levels of sodium and water in the body.

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The part of the brain called the hypothalamus detects water levels, and the pituitary gland secretes hormones to regulate it.

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Adrenal gland

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Adrenal cortex

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Pair of kidneys.

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Q: What gland controls the salt and water balance?
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What is the hormone that is important in regulation of sodium water balance?

Aldosterone is the hormone produced by the adrenal gland which is responsible for salt (sodium) regulation of the body.

Which hormones maintain salt and water balance in the extracellular fluid?

Aldosterone (a mineralocorticoid) regulates water and electrolyte (salt) balance in the extracellular fluid, mainly by regulating sodium ion reabsorption by kidney tubules. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) causes the distal and collecting tubules of the kidney to reabsorb more water from the urinary filtrate, thereby reducing urine output and conserving body water.

Even though the cocentration of salt is higher in some gland-cells than in blood-cells the gland-cells can still take salt out of blood-cells this is an example of?

active transport

Why will a cell membrane shrink when placed in salt water?

Salt water is a hypertonic solution; therefore, the vacuole in the cell will shrink. The water in the cell's vacuole exits the plasma membrane to balance the solutions, and since the salt can not enter through the cells differentialy permeable membrane the cell is only loosing substance so it shrinks. When the elodea cells are in fresh water there is no reaction. Elodea is a fresh water plant

Which gland secrets ADH?

The pituitary gland, which is influenced by the hypothalmus region. The hypothalmus is responsible for monitoring the water levels in blood. If water levels are too low in the blood, ADH will be produced by the pituitary gland and released.

Related questions

Which hormone in the adrenal gland control water and electolyte balance?

The hormone aldosterone helps maintain salt balance which is an ingredient in electrolyte. It does this by telling the kidneys to retain salt which then also then retains more water in the body.

Do penguins have a salt gland or a sweat gland?

Penguins have a salt gland, not a sweat gland. The salt gland helps them to excrete excess salt from their bodies, which is particularly useful for penguins that live in marine environments. Sweat glands are not as common in animals that live in cold climates like penguins do.

What is the hormone that is important in regulation of sodium water balance?

Aldosterone is the hormone produced by the adrenal gland which is responsible for salt (sodium) regulation of the body.

What controls water and salt loss?

Water and salt loss are primarily controlled by the kidneys through the process of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. Hormones such as aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) also play a role in regulating water and salt balance in the body. Additionally, thirst sensation helps to regulate fluid intake and maintain a proper balance of water and salt in the body.

Where do sea turtles get water?

the sea turtle can drink salt water. this is possible because they have a special gland in their mouths that filters out the salt.

Do penguins have a gland that converts sea water to fresh water?

"They can drink salt water because their supraorbital gland filters excess salt from the bloodstream. The salt is excreted in a concentrated fluid from the nasal passages."

What are the controls and variables for Seperating salt from water?

I dont know about the control but the independent variable is the amount of salt water and the dependent variable is the amount of water and salt rendered.

How do the cells in a fish react when it moves from freshwater to saltwater?

Salt controls water absorption so the cells would gain water.

Which hormone maintains the correct balance of salt in blood?

Adrenal gland hormones Aldosterone and Corticosteroid regulates salts in the circulatory system.

Why do corals need salt water?

Because they need a certain balance between water and salt in order to survive.

Does toys float better on fresh water or on salt water?

No. Toys float better on salt water than on fresh water because salt water has higher density, and the ratio of density controls buoyancy.

Why can't drink salt water?

- the taste of salt water is very disagreeable - the balance of electrolytes in the organism will be deeply disturbed