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Endocrine glands are glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood rather than through a duct.

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The pituitary gland, which is located in your brain. It secretes about a dozen hormones such as the growth hormone and the thyroid stimulating hormone.

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endocrine glands

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Q: What gland secretes one or more hormones into the bloodstream?
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What does the endocryine system control?

Just about everything to do with metabolism. The endocrine system is the system of hormones. - The thyroid gland and hormones control weight and energy levels. - The sex hormones control sexual characteristics and reproduction. - The adrenal gland and hormones control stress reactions and electrolytes. - the kidney secretes hormone sthat control blood pressure. There is more but I'm sure you get the gist.

Why the pancreas is called heterocrine gland?

It is both an endocrine (gland that secretes hormones; insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, among others...) and a digestive gland (breaks down sugars). Search Wikipedia for Pancreas and it'll give you the "details".

What do the hypothalamus and pituitary gland have to do with the endocrine system?

They secrete hormones into the bloodstream and target certain organs. For example, ADH is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland and targets the nephron in the kidneys to absorb more water, making the urine more concentrated.

What are the only two glands that are ductless?

Glands that secrete their contents into the blood stream. Examples Adrenal Gland and Thyroid Gland. Some glands are both duct/ductless. The Pancreas secretes several hormones into the blood stream and also secretes enzymes via ducts into the small bowel.

What is the founction of the pituitary gland?

Hormone regulates other hormone producing organs (Endocrine System). There are anterior and posterior sections of this tiny gland. The posterior releases hormones that affect blood pressure and breast milk. The anterior pituitaryis much more active. It controls the hormone systems responsible for growth and thyroid, adrenal and sexual function.Thank-you, that is all.

How many in gland?

You need to be more clear with your Question. How many what in a Gland? Are you asking about how many lobes are there in a pituitary gland or hormones in a thyroid gland?

Which anatomy gland is referred to as the master gland?

The pituitary gland. It makes more hormones that control other glands and body functions.

What is The hormone that targets the thyroid gland and triggers the release of thyroid hormone is?

Thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH. When the thyroid is under-active the pituitary secretes more TSH to try to make the thyroid release its own hormones (T3 and T4).

What does he pituitary gland do?

It controls other glands. It is part of the endocrine system which regulates your body. It stimulates growth, the thyroid gland (metabolism), adrenal glands (steroids etc), menstural cicle and others (pregnancy). Tumours in the pituitary gland can sudenly secrete large amounts of one (rarely more) hormone leading to unsual illness. Damage or compression can lead to a lack of hormones causing wrong balance of hormones and even affect the amount of vitamins/minerals in the body. Rarely tumours elsewhere such as the lungs can mimic the pituitary gland.

What is the general function of the pituatary gland?

The pituitary gland is the master gland of the endocrine system. It is responsible for controlling growth and development, regulating other glands, and serves as storage for hormones produced by the hypothalamus.

Characteristics of endocrine system?

One interesting fact is that the endocrine system has no ducts. Therefore, the hormones it produces are released directly into the bloodstream. The blood then carries it to the various parts. Also, the endocrine system is responsible for producing 30 distinct hormones. All these hormones have very distinct jobs to do. The rush of adrenaline one gets when facing adventure or fear is the result of the adrenal glands production of epinephrine hormone, or adrenaline as we otherwise know it. We must be thankful to the pineal gland for our sweet sleep. It secretes melatonin which regulates our sleep. It is responsible for the production of insulin. The failure to produce insulin will result in diabetes. The endocrine is the secret behind your energy levels thanks to the thyroid glands. The thyroid glands also help in metabolism. The hypothalamus is the one that makes you feel hunger and thirst. It also helps in body temperature. It aids the immune system by helping the body build resistance to disease. The human behavior is also controlled by the endocrine system when it affects the nervous system. It is accountable for sexual characteristics and development. It is the key player in regulating menstrual cycle and ovulation in women. It even plays a role in pregnancy by stimulating contractions during delivery. In fact, the endocrine system has a hand in almost all functions of the human body.

What is the gland that controls the onset of puberty?

The pituitary gland starts puberty. This signals the testies and adrenals to produce more hormones.