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Apocrine glands are most concentrated in areas of skin with course hair, such as the armpit and groin areas.

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Q: What glands are most concentrated in the axillary and groin areas of the body?
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Where are the lymph nodes most dense?

Lymph nodes are most dense in the inguinal, axillary and cervical regions of the body.

What body areas have the highest density of sweat glands?

Sweat glands are distributed over the entire skin surface except the nipples and parts of the external genitalia. There are up to 3 million of them per person. There are two types of sweat grands: eccrine and apocrine.Eccrine sweat glands, also called merocrine sweat glands, are far more numerous and are particularly abundant on the palms, soles of the feet, and forehead.Apocrine sweat glands, approximately 2000 of them are largely confined to the axillary and anogenital areas.

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What type of sweat gland is only found in the groin and axillary region?

Only Apocrine sweat glands are found in the axilla and anal region. The glands connect to hair follicles and are the sweat that produces odour) Eccrine sweat glands are found all over the body and open onto the skin. Sebaceous sweat glands are found all over the skin (with the exception of our palms and soles) and are connected to hair follicles.

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Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin disease that most commonly affects areas bearing apocrine sweat glands or sebaceous glands, such as the underarms, breasts, inner thighs, groin and buttocks.[1]:710

What is the Gland found in underarm or groin?

The gland found in the underarm or groin is called the apocrine gland. These glands produce a thicker secretion compared to eccrine glands, and their secretions can mix with bacteria on the skin to produce body odor.

What are the lymph nodes in the groin called?

lymph glands

Where are most lymph nodes in the body?

Your nymph nodes are located next to your tonsils, in your groin, in your armpit, in your hypothalamus, and many other areas, though these are the main sites.Lymph nodes are found all throughout the body, and act as filters or traps for foreign particles. Humans have approximately 500-600 lymph nodes distributed throughout the body, with clusters found in the underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen.

How many mammary glands are in a cat?

The mammary glands are located from the chest to the groin area in a cat. The mammary glands in cats are also known as dugs.

What is the gland that produces natural body odor?

The apocrine glands are responsible for producing natural body odor. These glands are found in areas with high concentrations of hair follicles, such as the armpits and groin, and release a milky fluid that contains proteins and lipids which bacteria break down, resulting in body odor.

What part of the integumentary system become active at puberty?

The apocrine glands are the glands that are activated at puberty. They are found mainly in the skin of the axilla, groin, areolae, and bearded areas of the face in adult males.

Body parts beginning with the letter g?

Gallbladder, genitals, glands, groin and gums are body parts.