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endocrine glands

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Q: What glands secrete their products by busting a cell?
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What is true about the mode of secretion of exocrine glands?

Modes of Secretionof exocrine glandsSecretory cells of exocrine glands release their products into ducts in three different ways. The mode of secretion can be classified as merocrine, apocrine, or holocrine.Cells that secrete products via the merocrine method form membrane-bound secretory vesicles internal to the cell. These are moved to the apical surface where the vesicles coalesce with the membrane on the apical surface to release the product. Most glands release their products in this way.In those glands that release product via the apocrinemethod, the apical portions of cells are pinched off and lost during the secretory process. This results in a secretory product that contains a variety of molecular components including those of the membrane. Mammary glands release their products in this manner.The third type of secretory release, holocrine, involves death of the cell. The secretory cell is released and as it breaks apart, the contents of the cell become the secretory product. This mode of secretion results in the most complex secretory product. Some sweat glands located in the axillae, pubic areas, and around the areoli of the breasts release their products in this manner. Sebaceous glands also are of this type.

Which endocrine glands secrete a hormone in response to hypocalcemia?

thyroid gland secretes calcitonin which stimulates cell uptake by bones thus decreasing the blood calcium level

How do Golgi bodies work to store cell products?

Answer (in Ajai's terms):The purpose of Golgi body in the cell are to prepare and store chemical products produced in the cell, and then to secrete these outside the cell. The Golgi body packages proteins and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell.Hope that is of some help!

What are functions of epithelium?

epitheliumMembranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs.glandular epitheliumEpithelium made up of cells that produce secretions.Source:

How do endocrine glands differ from other glands?

Endocrine glands secrete hormones and exocrine glands secrete enzymes. Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the blood stream, while exocrine glands secrete enzymes through ducts. endocrine is ductless gland exocrine retain their duct, exocrine empty through their duct to epithelial such as sweat, oil, glands, liver and pancrease

What does the vesicles do in the cell?

They mostly secrete proteins...

Is prostate gland exocrine or endocrine?

Exocrine gland are the glands that secrete their products through the ducts, and discharges it into the external environment, to organs or the outside the body. Where as Endocrine gland have ducts that deliver the products in the superficial part of the body, such as the skin, or in the inner part where they are necessary such as the pancreatic juice that is carried into the intestine to aid digestion.

Which digestive enzymes are produced by salivary glands?

In the oral cavityor the mouth, the salivary glands secrete ptyalin. It is a type of α-amylase, which acts upon starch and converts it into small segments of multiple sugars and into the individual soluble sugars.Salivary glands also secrete lysozyme, which kills bacteria but is not a digestive enzyme.some of the other minor enzymes secreted areBromelaine it acts on meat and acts as an anti-inflamatory agent.Betaine is linked with cell fluid balance as osmolytesSalivary Amylase (also known as ptyalin) (Mouth) produced by salivary glands breaks down starch into short SALIVARY AMYLASE AND LYSOZYME

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