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Q: What glasnost in relation to cold war?
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The easing of cold war tensions between the US and USSR?

Were termed Glasnost and Perestroika. Glasnost refers to openness and transparency within the Soviet government as an internal National Policy. Perestroika refers to restructuring and change.

What is the relation between the cold war and rocky IV?

The cold war existed; Rocky IV didn't.

What was a U2 in relation to the Cold War?

It was a US spy plane to keep surveillance during the Cold War.

Which term describes the Soviet policy that expanded freedom of the press and allowed criticism of the Communist Party during the Cold War?


What affect did Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of glasnost have on the cold war?

It made it easier for citizens in communist countries to criticize the government, leading many to protest for independence.

What is liberation in relation to the cold war and Korea?

Korea was a hot battle of the cold, communism was stopped at the 38th Parallel.

Where was glastnos introduced?

do you mean Glasnost? if so, it was introduced in soviet russia in 1988 by a man called Mikhail Gorbachev (who played a major role in ending the Cold War)

Why did Mikhail Gorbachev make glasnost?

One of the major considerations was the USSR was bankrupted by the cold war and it was on the brink of collapse. There was much dissent in several republics and some were breaking away.

Joseph Stalin reversed the cold war with a policy called what?

Stalin never reversed the Cold War. He began it and continued it to his death in 1953. Mikhail Gorbachev began reversing the Cold War attitude with the policies of "perestroika" (restructuring) and "glasnost" (openness). These were actually polices that affected the internal operations of the USSR in a direct way. This then had the indirect result of reducing Cold War tensions and then to the ultimate dissolution of the Soviet Union itself.

What was the significance of the Vietnam War in relation to the Cold War?

COLD WAR=No Shooting/communists and Free World facing each other Vietnam War=Shooting/communists and Free World shooting at each other

How did Mikhail Gorbachev policy of glasnost contribute to the end of the cold war?

Answer this question… It led to protests within Soviet republics and political instability that triggered the Soviet Union's eventual breakup.

What term was used to describe the tense relation between east and west after 1945?

Cold War.