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Q: What goal Mohandas Gandhi was unable to achieve?
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What goal was Mohandas Gandhi ultimately unable to achieve in India?

Establishing political unity between Indian Hindus and Muslims

Did Mohandas Gandhi accomplish his goal?


What goal was Gandhi ultimately unable to achieve in India?

Establishing political unity between Indian Hindus and Muslims

What was Mohandas Gandhi's main goal?

His goal was to improve immigrant Indians and Hindus rights and to bring freedom to India in a nonviolent way.

Did mahatma Gandhi accomplish his goal of peace?

he achived some of his goals like getting the britsish to leave India but did not sucsed in keeping huindu and muslum together

What was the goal of Mohandas Gandhis campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience?

To achieve Independence from Britain without bloodshed

What was Mohandas Gandhi's goal for his nationalist movement in India following World War II?

His goal was to unite Muslims and Hindus in resistance against British colonialism.

What was Mohandas Gandhi's goal for his nationalist movement India following world war 2?

Answer this question… To unite Muslims and Hindus in resistance against British colonialism

Who is MK Gandhi?

You mean Gandhi?If yes, then MK Ghandhi known as Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma meaning Great Soul was a freedom fighter and atlast achieved his life-set goal of making India an independent nation in 1947. He was therefore known as the Father of the Nation.Hope that helped :)mk gandhi is a great poltician who brought freedom for our country India

Information about Indian freedom fighters in Hindi?

Indian freedom fighters such as Mohandas (also known as Mahatma) Gandhi were instrumental in freeing India from British rule. Specifically, Gandhi's nonviolent nature and tenets about peace were appreciated around the world.

What was Mohandas Gandhi's goal for his nationalist movement in India following World War 2?

After World War 2, Gandhi's goal was for India to be an independent nation. He organized peaceful sit down strikes against the British to gain world wide attention and to convince the British to allow for India's freedom.

What was Gandhi's goal for India?
