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door knob/handle

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Q: What goes through the door but never enters or leaves the house?
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DNA is the genetic material that never leaves the nucleus of a cell. It carries the instructions necessary for synthesizing proteins and controlling cell activities.

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It will never evolve because she left it in her dads green house. skitty loves it so much that may leaves it there

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The shuttle never has and never will orbit the moon.

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greentree Green trees do have leaves but dead & dry tree never

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NoAnswer:On formal occasions, it is still considered good manners for men to stand whenever a woman enters or leaves the table, or if sitting in a lounge or living room, but rarely today to people have the good manners to do so. This is because their parents never taught them how to behave in polite company.

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Chipmunks can be controlled through poisons, exclusion, and trapping. Never poison chipmunks inside of a building; trapping is advised for attics, crawlspaces, and wall cavities. Never poison while there are in your house.

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The Hudson River starts in the Adirondack Mountains in New York State and flows south to New York Harbor. It never enters Canada.

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Love That Never Leaves - 2011 was released on: USA: 17 April 2011

Can i run naked through my house?

Yes! I've never tried it but it's your house so you can. I bet it's fun. But if someone knocks on the door put something on.