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Q: What goes through the holes on one side of the leaf?
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How do mosquitoes breathe?

Mosquitoes who are adults breathe through what is called a spiracle. Spiracles are small holes on the sides of the bodies that allow them to breathe.

When installing heads on the 305 is there a way to tell which head goes on the left or right side The only difference I see is bracket attachment holes on the side of the heads?

That may be the only difference but an important one. holes usually goes in front of the engine

How does a two cycle engine work?

The piston sucks the fuel in from underneath through the reed cage and its forced up the holes in the side of the cylinder to the top of the piston, then it ignites and goes out the exhaust

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It goes through the bellhousing on the back side of the passenger side cylinder head.

What is the rigid side of a leaf called?

The rigid side of the leaf is upper side facing the sunlight. In a dorsiventral leaf this side supports the palisade tissue.

What are the characteristics of a simple leaf?

veins, a photosynthesising region (green), a waxy cuticle on top and a softer side on the underside of the leaf with stomata present (air holes). The leaf is likely to be flexible with no woody parts.

Are the holes in Jesus' hand a sign?

More like an identifiable mark as is the hole in his side where the spear was pierced through. The holes in the hands were more towards the wrists.

What side of the pin or you supposed to sew on?

The pointed one. The side with the loop is where the string goes through.

What is a leaf tip?

a leaf tip means above the side of a leaf

How do sand shrimp eat?

they take the food in from there bum and dispose of waste through microscopic holes in it's side

What is pass through?

When it goes in one side, and out the other, that is a pass through, usually referring to a bullet that goes through and does very little actual damage, not hitting anything vital.

What are some examples of alternate leaves?

An alternate leaf is a leaf pattern in which there is a leaf on one side of a branch and there is another leaf on the opposite side of the branch except farther down.