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They traded bracelets, pots, food, and everything someone made that was good.

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They mostly produced Clay Pots and Jewelry

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Q: What goods did the people of catal huyuk have to trade?
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Did the people of Catal Huyuk trade?

No. They lived simple lives. They were very self-sufficient and didn't need to trade for other goods.

Whom did Neolithic people trade with?

catal huyuk

Why did people travel to the city of Catal Huyuk?

People came to trade because of the wide variety of tools there because of this Catal Huyuk became a large center of trade.

How did trade help people both outside and within Catal Huyuk?

The people of outside were trying to trade

Why did people travel to catal huyuk?

so they could ignite in trade and market with one another.

What are some examples of specialization in catal huyuk how do you know this information?

trade, culture, and influence

Why did farming in catal huyuk lead to specialization?

Farming in Catal Huyuk led to specialization because it created a surplus of food, allowing some individuals to focus on other tasks besides farming. This led to the development of specialized skills in areas such as pottery-making, tool production, and trade. Specialization helped to support a more complex society and economy in Catal Huyuk.

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What Catal Huyuk was like?

Catal Huyuk was a Neolithic settlement in present-day Turkey dating back to around 7500-5700 BCE. It was one of the world's first urban centers, characterized by densely packed mudbrick houses, agricultural practices, and evidence of early religion and trade. The community was socially complex, with no evidence of hierarchy and a strong emphasis on communal living and shared resources.

What technologies did the people of Catal Huyuk develop?

The people of Catal Huyuk developed a wide assortment of arts, crafts, and tools. At the end of the Old Stone Age, thousands of years before Catal Huyuk, the warming of the Earth made more plants grow. This caused more animals to survive. This caused more food for people, which lead to more people. People started agriculture, or more known as farming or raising animals (one technology of Catal Huyuk). Agriculture caused people to build permanent homes, because before they had to travel with a herd of animals or to places where there were still plants. This made them have plenty of times to do other things. Once they realized that they could do one thing instead of having everyone do everything (one person weaves baskets, other person makes tools, other person farms, other person harvests plants, etc.) they started using specialization (another technology of Catal Huyuk). Specialization is any trade, job, or profession. When people realized that specialization made them lack other tools or items for use, they traded (another technology) their surplusitems. A surplus is an extra amount of anything. This way, people could get what they need without losing anything that they really need. Trading lead to interaction. Interaction is the exchange of beliefs, technology. or ideas. For example, Person a is from TownA. Person b is from Town B. b is a shoemaker. a is a curtain-weaver. a trades a shoe with b, who gives a a curtain. b finds out that a makes his curtains fluffy. b tells the curtain-maker of Town B to make his curtains fluffier, He does. This is one example of interaction. Interaction lead to civilization. Civilization is a culture that developed systems of specialization, religion, learning, and government.

Why did people come to Singapore to trade?

to get goods