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it have a dictarorship of autocracy

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It is an autonomous entity of Denmark.

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Q: Who governs Greenland?
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What country governs the worlds largest island?

Denmark governs the world's largest island, which is Greenland.

Which European country governs the world's largest island?

Denmark governs Greenland.

What country controls the island Greenland?

Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark. Denmark exercises control over Greenland's foreign affairs and defense, while Greenland governs its domestic affairs.

Who has possession of Greenland?

Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark. While Greenland governs its internal affairs, Denmark is responsible for foreign affairs, security, and financial assistance.

What county governs Greenland?

Greenland was a Danish colony until 1953, but became its own country in 1979. Then, they established a full self government in 1981.

What country governs Greenland?

Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark. While Greenland has its own government responsible for domestic affairs, Denmark handles foreign policy, defense, and security.

What type of government does Greenland have?

Greenland is an autonomous country, but it is still governed in part by Denmark and considered to be a part of the Kingdom of Denmark. In 2009, Greenland transferred from a "home rule" to a "self rule" governing system which means that now, Greenland governs all of their own affairs except foreign policy which is still handled by Denmark.

What region is Greenland in?

Greenland is not in a region. Greenland is in the territory of Denmark. There are many regions in Greenland.

Who governs the DMZ?

US troops governs the DMZ

In what type of government do people govern themselves?

Each person governs themselfs. No one governs the people. Each person governs themselfs. No one governs the people.

What is the primary statute that governs their business?

Primary statute that governs

A word that means someone who governs?

The word for someone who governs is a governor. Another word for someone who governs would be president or mayor.