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guys just keep searching it aint on here in by the way if you get in a car reck call 1-800-411-payne in its on the radio

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Q: What government gives citizens full and equal right to participate?
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What does amendment 5 do?

It gives equal protection to all citizens

What did the 15 amendment do to the newly freed slaves?

Gives citizenship rights to former slaves.

Which of the following supports the idea that separate but equal is a violation of citizens' rights?

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution gives citizens equality under the law.

What form of government has the most freedom?

A Republic and I wish we still had one in America.

What is corporate tax describe its benefits and objectives?

Corporate tax is important, as it gives the government revenues with an objective of helping its citizens.

What is the name of the document that lays out the plan for your government and gives us the citizens your rights?

It is either the Articles of Confederation or the Virginia Plan, which states the three branches of government.

Do people get to vote in a unitary system?

Yes, citizens do vote in a Unitary Government. They vote for Parliament. A Unitary System has a strong central government; the states only have the power that the central government gives them.

Why democracy is preferred on large scale in the world?

Democratic government is preferred for the following reasons: 1) Power is in the hands of the people. No single person rules absolutely. 2) Citizens participate in all matters, and hence feel unified as a nation. 3) People are directly responsible for the Social, Cultural and Economical condition of the country along with the elected representatives which gives them equal say in the decisions. Hence Democracy is By the People , For the People , Of the People.

What did the progressives hope to do through iniatives recalls and referendums?

The initiative, referendum and recall are more ways to include citizens in government. In the initiative gives citizens the power to propose a law. The referendum gives citizens the power to vote on laws. The recall gives voters the power to vote someone out of office.

Is there a discussion on the Right to Petition for the Redress of Greivances published by the founding fathers?

This clause gives citizens the right to write to their senators and congressment, to request information from the government, and to sue the government if necessary.

Which procedure gives citizens of some states more influence over their government?

the initiative,the referendum and the recall.

John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau would be most likely to support?

Answer this question… A country adopts a constitution that divides its government into branches with equal power.