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Q: What government tries to prevent the creation of really wealthy and really poor people under?
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Which government tries to prevent the creation of really wealthy people and really poor people?

the chinese government and most other communistical countries

What is the system of government where a few wealthy people hold power over the larger group?

Oligarchy is government by the few. Plutocracy is government by the wealthy few.

Under which economic system does the government try to prevent the creation of really wealthy and really poor people?

Minimum quality of life. As a welfare function (mathematically), it would be represented as a min value function.

Type of government controlled by a few wealthy people?

An oligarchy is a government controlled by a small group of wealthy landowners and corporate leaders.

How does physical geography prevent people from becoming wealthy?

I think it sbecause i dont know much.....

What describes a government in which only a small group of wealthy people have power?


What government is it when all the laws and decisions are made ny a group of wealthy people?


In the Roman Empire the wealthy citizens were called?

Wealthy people of Rome were called Patricians. American Government class? Me too. Tcarver6

What type of government did the Mesolithic age had?

No government . To have government people would have to create communities. At this time people were hunters/gathers and followed herds. This life didn't allow for the creation of government .

What kind of people did Hamilton believe were best suited to run the government?

the wealthy and educated class

System of government where a few wealthy people hold power over the larger group?


Disadvantages about plutocracy?

Since Plutocracy is a government ran by the wealthy, there could be a few disadvantages but also there could be some advantages, also. Disadvantages: Wealthy People running a government can be a bad idea. They could make people pay more money for taxes, and they could make people pay more for cars and anything in stores. Advantages: Wealthy people running a government could also be a good idea. Knowing that wealthy people can cherish their money and not want to give it away, they could higher people to make money for them so that there will be less taxes and more money towards employed people.