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It depends on the school you go to. Most schools give out lockers in middle school and high school. However, some give them earlier or later, and some schools do not give them out at all.

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Q: What grade do you have to be in to get a locker?
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How many schools have locker in the 6th grade?


Do you have a locker in middle school?

yes at my school at 6th grade get lockers to we get big ones like 7th and 8th grade you cAN EVEN SHARE A LOCKER WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND LIKE ME

Do you get your own locker when your in fifth grade?

no not really. i heard at my school that if your in fifth grade you'll get your own locker. i think you should get a locker when your in middle school through high school. but some schools allow fifth graders to have lockers. I'm not sure so I'm giving you an opinion

What are some fun things to do in 8th grade?

vandalize your ex boyfriends locker

You are helping a kid you know who is going into the sixth grade and she wants girly locker decorating ideas?

ware blue and red

Are you in sixth grade?

Yes, it is not as scary as you might think. The teachers I have are very nice and I can open my locker with a breeze. When you get there you will love it !! =D

How do you show a 5th grade boy you really love him?

Write him an adorable Valentine on Valentines day or fill his locker with his favorite candy.

How should you decorate your 6th grade locker?

You can decorate your 6th grade locker by using colorful magnets, locker wallpaper, or sticky notes with positive quotes. Add a small mirror, a whiteboard for notes, and a small shelf to keep things organized. Don't forget to include photos of your friends and family for a personal touch.

What is the locker number that sully hides boo in in the movie Monster Inc?

Sulley hid Boo's toys in locker 193, locker 193 was George's locker.

What is the answer to the locker problem?

The answer to the locker problem is every perfect square is a locker that is open.

What is the locker for jacksons locker?


How do you choose a locker theme for 6 grade boys?

A good locker theme for boys would be like randome things. sports,skater,emo,preppy, exc.. But most of my friends that are boys just have a mirror,pencil hodler and some magnets.LOL! so just do whateveryou want.