

What grasses are best for horses?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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That all depends on the horse really, there are man different types of hay that horses can eat. Some horses have Allergies to some types of hay and some horses can eat any type of hay. If you are talking about actual grass instead of hay, then you cannot graze horses purely on most grasses because it does not contain enough nutrients to keep a horse healthy.

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Q: What grasses are best for horses?
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The best time for coring your lawn?

Spring and fall are the best times to aerate cool season grasses (bluegrass, ryegrass) (with fall being the best)Warm season grasses (bermuda, zoysia) should be aerated in mid-spring to summer after they are out of dormancy. (fall is not recommended for aerating warm season grasses)