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Q: What greek god do megarians worship?
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Which greek god did the Corinthians worship?

Poseidon was the pareon god of Corinth,

What is the Greek god Apollos religion?

Either you mean if Apollo had a religion - which he did not, as a god himself worship another god. Or what the religion that worshiped Apollo was called, the worship of many gods (such as the Greek ones, of which Apollo is one) is called "pagan", the cult worship of Apollo was widespread.

Why do greek people worship their gods?

Why do people worship American God or anything else? Same Reason

How did Greeks worship the Greek god Zeus?

by making the olympic games

What is a explantion of how sisyphus worship?

Sisyphus was not worshipped; he was not a ancient Greek god.

Why did the Megarians worship Demeter?

Many Mediterranean peoples of the ancient world worshiped Demeter or a similar goddess before Rome adopted Christianity.

Who is the greek god of dogs?

There was no god specifically for dogs. The Greek gods represented forces of nature of intangible concepts. They did not worship animals or totems.

Did the Greek gods and goddesses worship anyone?

No. Any god they could worship would be considered their equal.

A greek god and goddess?

I think you're asking what a God and Goddess is. A God is a thing or person that you worship, and a Goddess is a female God.

Who is Pan in Greek mytholigy?

pan is the god of the wild. all the satyrs worship him