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Q: What greek mythlogy storys have a natural phenomenon?
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What are charteristics greek mythology and Norse mythlogy share?

Both are polytheistic. With gods that are persons.

What Point of View does the author use to retell greek mythlogy?

Most ancient authors use the "Third POV".

What are some storys of the ancient greek gods?

Hercules, Echo, Narcissus

Which natural phenomenon does Typhon explain?

Typhon explains the natural phenomenon of hurricanes or tropical cyclones, which are characterized by strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges. Typhon is a monster in Greek mythology known for his destructive power, which is analogous to the destructive force of hurricanes.

What is the origin of the word phenomenon?

The origin of the word phenomenon is Greek or Latin.

What did people think of lightning in Greek history?

The ritual response would be a bolt thrown down by the gods. Others thought of it as a natural phenomenon.

What is Zeus' relationship with men?

he did not date any men in any of the storys of greek mythology

Why did people believe in greek god Apollo?

Back in the day, people created gods and goddesses to explain the natural phenomenon that occurred in everyday life.

What makes a myth Greek?

A myth is a traditional story that explains a natural or social phenomenon and usually involves supernatural beings. Greek myths involve the Greek gods and demi-gods and explain natural or social phenomenons.

How do naiads differ from the nereids in greek mythlogy?

The difference between naiads and nereids is simple. Naiads are freash water spirits, while Nereids are water spirits of the sea.

Why are the explanations provided in Greek myths of nature's mysteries no longer believable?

They are no longer believable because we now have science to prove natural phenomenon that were impossible to explain before.