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Q: What greek philosopher felt that society should be governed?
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Greek philosopher who wrote the republic?

The Greek philosopher who wrote "The Republic" is Plato. In this work, he explores the idea of an ideal society governed by philosopher-kings.

Which greek philosopher wrote in The Republic that philosopher-kings should rule?

The Greek philosopher Plato wrote in The Republic that philosopher-kings should rule. He believed that those with the greatest wisdom and understanding of truth should govern society for its own good.

Which Greek Philosopher proposed that philosopher-kings rule society?

Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, proposed the concept of philosopher-kings in his work "The Republic." He believed that those who possess philosophical wisdom and the ability to see the truth should be the rulers of society, as only they can lead with virtue and justice.

What Greek philosopher described an ideal society in the republic?

The Greek philosopher who described an ideal society in "The Republic" was Plato. He envisioned a society led by philosopher-kings who ruled with wisdom and justice, with citizens divided into different classes based on their abilities. Plato believed that this structured society would promote harmony and the common good of all its members.

Who believed that government should be ruled by Philosopher Kings?

The belief that government should be ruled by philosopher kings is attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. In his work "The Republic," Plato argued that those with the most wisdom and knowledge should govern society, as they would make decisions for the good of all.

What philosopher believed that a philosopher king should govern a society?

Plato, a classical Greek philosopher, believed in the concept of a philosopher king. In his work "The Republic," Plato argued that a ruler with a strong philosophical background and education would make the best leader for a society, as they would possess wisdom and knowledge necessary to govern justly.

Types of governing?

A government is the system by which a state or community is governed. In the .... The Classical Greek philosopher Plato discusses five types of regimes.

Who thought the governments should be run by philosopher-kings?

The concept of philosopher-kings was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic." Plato believed that rulers should be philosophers who possessed wisdom, knowledge, and a deep understanding of justice in order to govern society effectively and justly.

Who thought government should be run by philosopher kings?


Who thought that the governments should be headed by philosopher kings?

The concept of philosopher kings was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic." He argued that those with the greatest wisdom and philosophical understanding should govern society as they would make decisions for the common good rather than personal gain.

The first Greek philosopher?

The first Greek philosopher was "Thales".

Is Aristotle a greek philosopher?

Yes, Aristotle is a Greek philosopher.