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Q: What group do the patricians in northern Europe come?
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northern Europe in various forms

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Cabbage is native along the Mediterranean, or south Europe.

From which region of the world do pickled herrings come?

Northern Europe i am very sure Scandanavia i am pretty sure (more specific then just northern europe)

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It didn't. It's still in Northern Europe.

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Northern and Western Europe.

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No, American Eskimos come from Northern Europe.

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I believe it's the northern and western parts of Europe. :D

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Tunisia is in Northern Africa - not Europe.

Europe depends on what from Eastern Europe and Northern Asia?

Answer is: " Oil and gas" , ...... to add to supplies that other parts of Europe have of their own. Some agricultural products, like grain, may also be used in other parts of Europe having come from the east of Europe and parts of northern Asia.

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I think "Lithuanian" means someone from Lithuania (a country in northern Europe)....

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Great Britain and northern Europe east to the Caspian Sea