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Circumcision followed by castration. They had a big drive to stop criminals reproducing.

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Q: What group of organisms went extinct when dinosaurs went extinct?
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Why did the dinosaurs evolved?

They didn't evolve! They went extinct.

Why the huayangosaurus went extinct?

huayangosaurus went extinct in the K/T Mass Extinction in 65 million years ago with all Dinosaurs Went Extinct

Is all dinosaurs exstint?

Yes, all dinosaurs are extinct. They all went extinct millions of years ago. The exact cause of why they all went extinct is debated by scientist and anthropologist.

Dinosaurs went extinct at the end of what era?

Mesozoic era

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None. Dinosaurs went extinct before grass evolved.

Did apes used to fight dinosaurs?

Apes appeared way after the dinosaurs went extinct so NO.

Why do scientist think the dinosaurs went extinct?

One reason is that there were a lot of fossils in many layers of rock and then suddenly, there are a lot fewer. Also, there don't appear to be many dinosaurs alive today. So, they went extinct. Do you really mean "how" did the dinosaurs go extinct?

What kind of life was there on Earth after the dinosaurs went extinct?

God of course

How did pteranodon become extinct?

A pteranodon is a pterosaur, or a flying dinosaur. During the fall of the dinosaurs, all dinosaurs became extinct, including the pterosaurs.

What should people do to protect dinosaurs?

Umm sorry to break the news to you but dinosaurs went extinct along time ago

Fossil of dinosaurs are found in Cretaceous rock but not in tertiary rock?

All dinosaurs went extinct before the tertiary period.

When did ammonites become extinct?

Ammonites went extinct at the same time as the dinosaurs, about sixty-five million years ago.