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The Greeks are the first group of people to first use the phrase democracy.

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Q: What group of people invented democracy?
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Did ancient greeks invent the modern democracy?

Yes the Greeks invented democracy, but it's not democracy in a sense of how people think of it today. Even though people were essentially "free", only a limited group of people counted under the democratic system and that group was a very small minority.

Who invented democracy?

The people of Greece actually invented it.

What is democracy and what group of people invented it?

Democracy is a system by which a group of people makes collective decisions based on voting, with each person having one vote, and the majority rules. This idea originated in ancient Greece. The major variation is representative democracy, in which the population elects people to represent them, rather than voting on everything themselves.

What is the difference between an autocracy and a democracy?

A democracy is ruled by the people; an autocracy is ruled entirely by a smaller group of people.

What is representational democracy?

Is a type of a goverment where people get togeather and vote for the leader.

What group of Athenians benefit from democracy?

The simple people

Was the democracy in America the first democracy ever crated?

No, the ancient greek invented democracy and the first to use it. Democracy roughly translates to "the people rule" from greek

Can you Make a sentence with the word democracy?

Representative democracy is a group of people electing to represent for them.

democracy meaning?

A democracy is a group or organization that is governed by the people. This is achieved by reaching a majority vote on issues.

What is the same government by popular consent or indirect democracy?

A government by popular consent or indirect democracy is a representative democracy in which a small group of people are chosen by election to represent a larger group that elects them.

Does Greece have limited or unlimited government?

limited. The people of Greece invented democracy

When democracy was invented?

There may be earlier models, but the principle of democracy, which means rule by the people, dates to around the Sixth Century BC.