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Q: What group opposed the war hawks?
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Who was the opposite of the war hawks who opposed the war in 1812?

The federalists.

Who opposed the vietnam war doves or hawks?

Doves are those who desire peace over war. Hawks support war when necessary to resolve a conflict or subdue an enemy. Consequently, it was the doves who opposed the Vietnam War.

Who was the congressional group that most forcefully advocated war with Great Britain in 1812?

The War Hawks

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What group of people supported the war of 1812?

The West and the South supported the war, whereas the North opposed it, particularly the New England Federalists.

What were the names of the two groups who argued in congress about the vietnamese War?

The "Hawks" who supported financing the war, and the "Doves" who opposed the war.

Which of the following groups opposed war with great Britain-?

The War Hawks were a group that favored war with Great Britain. They were angry because of the treatment of US sailors and the violation of US maritime rights by the British.

Who was the leader of the war hawks in 1812?

They were a group of Republicans in U.S. Congress who advocated war with Britain.Clay and Calhoun lead the War Hawks

The group that suffered the greatest losses in the War of 1812 was the?

The War Hawks in Congress

What group of politicians promoted the idea of war with great Britain?

the war hawks

What group of patriots called for war with great Britain leading to war of 1812?

The War Hawks

What group of patriots called for war with great Britain leading to the war of 1812?

The War Hawks