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Q: What groups had the lowest status in Aztec society?
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What does their status suggest about Aztec society?


What were the members of the lowest class in Aztec society called?

They were called the "Mayeque". They were the slaves. The lowest on the social scale.

What is the Aztec society from highest to lowest?

1-Nobels 2-commonets 3- serfs 4- slaves :) That's it

What were the different groups that made up Aztec society?

they were nobles,commoners,unskilled laborers,and enslaved peoples.

What is the purpose or the importantce of Aztec headdress in the Aztec Society?

Aztec headdresses were symbols of power, status, and identity in Aztec society. They were worn by rulers, warriors, and priests during ceremonies and rituals to showcase their authority and connection to the divine. The elaborate designs and materials used in the headdresses reflected the wearer's social standing and role within the Aztec hierarchy.

How was Aztec society divided?

The Atec society was divided by north of Aztec , south of Aztec ect...

How could you move up in Aztec society?

how could you move up in Aztec society

What were the major classes of Aztec society?

Emperor, Nobility and Priests were the major classes of Aztec society.

Why was Aztec society successful?

The Aztec society was so successful because they were great at hunting, farming, trading, and building.

How was Aztec society organized?

Aztec society was modeled around an interdependent city and state system. The groups were very family oriented although there was a strict division between nobles and common people. Many historians cite three major classes.

How was the Aztec society orginized?

how is aztec society orginized

How was Aztec society organized and why was it successful?

The Aztec society was based on the city-state. Citizens were divided into two classes, nobles and commoners. Each city-state had a local ruler, who was under the rule of the powerful King. The nobles and commoners each had their own hierarchy. The highest commoner had almost social power as the lowest of the nobility.