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Q: What groups of people are represented by supply?
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What groups were on represented in the Declaration of Independence?

The groups were on represented in the Declaration of Independence were; women, slaves, and Native Americans.

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What groups of people were not represented at the convention?

A. Blacks B. Indians C. Women D. All of the above D

What groups of people were represented in the House of Commons?

People who liked to eat poo. Not to sure why this is even a real thing.. Well, yolo right?

A decrease in supply is represented by?

Shift of the curve to the left.

Is An increase in supply is represented by a movement up the supply curve?

An increase in the supply is not represented by a movement up the supply cuve. A movement up supply curve is due to the increase in quantity supplied instead of the increase in supply. Alternatively, it can also be due to increase in the price of the goods that could lead to movement up the supply curve.

What Indian groups live in Arizona?

There are numerous tribal groups represented. The Apache and the Navajo are the two largest groups in Arizona.

An increase in quantity supplied is represented by?

An increase in quantity supplied is represented by demand.

What groups were represented among the plain settlers?
