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Q: What groups of people were target and suspected of subversive by McCarthy and the H Un-American Activities Committee during the 1950's?
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What was the house of American activities committee?

Also called HUAC it was establidhed in 1937 to investigate suspected communists members of the Ku Klux Klan and other groups. It once had among its members, Richard Nixon. It was infamous as the creator of the blacklisting of Hollwood writers.

Who was best known for investigating communism in the film industry?

The House of Un-American Activity, or HUAC, was known for investigating communism in the film industry. They created a blacklist of Hollywood stars that they suspected had communist ties, destroying their careers.

How did McCarthy and huac create a reign of terrior?

Joseph McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities created a reign of terror by going on a communist witch hunt. McCarthy questioned the loyalty and patriotism of people he suspected of being communists. Hearings were held and reputations were ruined.

Who were the leading practitioners of the 1950's red scare?

During the 1950s Red Scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy was a prominent figure who led investigations into alleged communist activities in the US government. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover also played a significant role in targeting suspected communists. Additionally, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) conducted hearings and investigations into alleged communist influence in Hollywood and other industries.

How did film industry about the cold war affect Americans view on the Soviets?

The HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) relentlessly pursued anyone it suspected of supporting Communist ideas. Hollywood studios circulated a blacklist of industry people who were denied work in films because they opposed HUAC and spoke out.

Will I get put in jail?

You ca get put in jail, if you engage in, or suspected to have engaged in activities termed to be against the set law.

The first Red Scare in the United States was a reaction to which event?

The first Red Scare in the United States was a reaction to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the rise of communism as a global ideology. The fear of communism spreading to the US led to a crackdown on perceived subversive activities and the targeting of individuals and groups suspected of being communist or sympathetic to communism.

What were the effects of their (president and congress) search for communists?

There was a paranoia about Communists during the early 1950's. People who had had Communist connections back on the 1930's were exposed and black-listed and suspected as traitors. Sen Joseph McCarthy, in particular, led witch-hunts of government workers who were suspected of Communist leanings. People had to sign an affidavit, certifying that they were not Communists , nor associated with subversive organization.

Reasons why Jose rizal suspected of being a french spy when he publish his 1st novel Berlin?

Jose Rizal was suspected of being a French spy when he published his first novel, "Noli Me Tangere," because of his stay in Europe and his association with Filipino expatriates who were also suspected of being involved in subversive activities against Spain. The novel's themes of injustice and corruption in the Philippines also raised suspicions that Rizal was inciting rebellion against Spanish colonial rule. Additionally, Rizal's advocacy for Filipino rights and reforms threatened the stability of Spanish authority in the Philippines.

What were the consequences of refusing to answer questions asked by the House Un-American Activities Committee?

The consequences of refusing to answer questions asked by the House Un-American Activities Committee given to the "Hollywood 10" included being cited with contempt of Congress and being given jail sentences. Because of the "Hollywood 10", Hollywood established a blacklist which was a collection of names of Hollywood personalities suspected of having communist ties. Those on the blacklist were unable to find work in the movies and lost their friends.Alger Hiss was accused by the HUAC of being a Soviet spy, convicted of perjury, and imprisoned.You could be blacklisted.

What did the HUAC do?

The House Un-American Activities Committee was itself the single most un-American activity of the 20th Century. It ruined the lives of thousands of innocent Americans and made a mockery of the rule of law. Under its hysterical pressure many Americans betrayed themselves and their friends, "naming names" of "Communists." Fiercely anti-intellectual and illiberal, the HUAC was a blot on our national character and brought nothing but shame to the House of Representatives.

What personal situation made him empathize with john proctor?

By him, one assumes you mean Crucible playwright Arthur Miller. Miller was called before the Congressional House on Un-American Activities Committee and asked to name names. In other words, he was asked to inform on his friends who were suspected of being members of the American Communist Party or sympathizers, which he refused to do. After Miller's testimony, the committee voted to cite all witnesses who refused to name names with Contempt of Congress. Compare that with the courtroom scene in the play.