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You would perhaps expect the answer to be: "the suppressed masses", but no. The French Revolution was basically the rising of the middle and upper-middle classes of French society who wanted political influence and control in recognition of their role in French society and in return for the tax money and contributions to government loans that they were providing.

In the early stages of the Revolution mass demonstrations and mob violence were seen as a useful tool to put pressure on the old regime, but after a while it was the (upper) middle classes who got the political control they wanted (the 'masses' would have to wait for another hundred years), who got the security and protection of Napoleon's new civil and commercial laws laws and who profited from the system of the new graduate schools - the so-called 'Grandes Ecoles' that opened the road for their children to successful civil service and diplomatic careers and to higher learning in the field of commerce.

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Q: What groups of the french society benefited from the revolution?
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Which group of french society benefited from the french revolution

Which groups in the French Revolution benefited from the French Revolution?

The third estate, made up of peasants, artisans and workers, which was 97% of the population, were those who benefited from the French Revolution. In particular the Bourgeoisie, a section of the third estate who were relatively wealthy, such as bankers, lawyers, doctors and other similar professions, benefited the most from the French Revolution because the Revolution put them in power. The first and the second estates, meaning the clergy and nobility, were the groups that lost the most from the French Revolution. They would not recover their pre-Revolution position until the Congress of Vienna of 1815 reinstated the French monarchy.

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