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The Jacobins.

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Q: What groups were responsible for the radical phase of the french revolution?
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What groups in French society at the beginning of the French Revolution was the largest?

The Third Estate

Which groups in the French Revolution benefited from the French Revolution?

The third estate, made up of peasants, artisans and workers, which was 97% of the population, were those who benefited from the French Revolution. In particular the Bourgeoisie, a section of the third estate who were relatively wealthy, such as bankers, lawyers, doctors and other similar professions, benefited the most from the French Revolution because the Revolution put them in power. The first and the second estates, meaning the clergy and nobility, were the groups that lost the most from the French Revolution. They would not recover their pre-Revolution position until the Congress of Vienna of 1815 reinstated the French monarchy.

What role did the colonial radical groups play in the events leading up to the American Revolution?

The radical group boycotted taxes and inspired revolts against the British. They fueled tensions between the colonies and the British.

What were the democratic Republican?

They were American clubs/groups in support of the French Revolution. They hoped to repay France for helping them in the American Revolution.

What were jacobins and girondins?

These two groups were two large political groups during the French revolution.Jacobins were people who supported the revolution and wanted a centralized Republic. They were the ones to intituted the reign of terror.Girondins were members of the moderate republican party that was in power during the French Revolution; they were a group of individuals who held certain opinions and principles in common rather than an organized political party. They wanted a democratic revolution within and of patriotic defiance to the European powers without.Jacobins were the ones who wanted radical change and the Girondins were the ones who wanted conservative change.

Which groups were in conflict during French Revolution?

It was the Third Estate against the nobles and the clergy.

Which groups were forced to relinquish power in the French Revolution?

Which group of french society benefited from the french revolution

What were the Democratic and Republican societies?

They were American clubs/groups in support of the French Revolution. They hoped to repay France for helping them in the American Revolution.

What English groups were supportive of the French Revolution during its early years?

Both the Liberals and the Radicals

What three groups form because of the french revolution?

nobles who belonged to first who b

Which of the following groups controlled Saint-Domingue's government before the Haitian Revolution?

French aristocrats

What three groups made up the 3rd estate before the French Revolution?

The Gays lesbians and the straight