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15th Amendment -Apex

The U.S. Constitution does not guarantee voting rights to anyone. It would depend on your state rights.

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Q: What guaranteed rights would be violated by being turned away from a polling place because there aren't enough workers to man the polling booth?
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What guaranteed rights would be violated by being turned away form a polling place because there arent enough workers to man the polling booth?

15th amendment rights

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workers are bing forced to work 12 to 15 hours a day with no over overtime or holiday pay.

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This position is a nonpartisan position so the information you want can not be given. All people who work in a polling station are there not because of political parties, but because they applied with the voting district to work. No questions are asked about political parties. If you are looking for something that reflects a bias at the polling station you are out of luck. The workers are there to make sure ballots are handled correctly and that no one intervenes with election process and procedures.

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Workers would lose job security and guaranteed incomes.

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