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I have found that Eclipse and some brands of Trident don't get stuck in my braces. But, beware of Tootsie Rolls, they get stuck really easily. :D


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13y ago

When I had braces I got my orthodontist to mould me one. If they do one for you they normally modify it so that your teeth can move over time and it still fits.

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13y ago

NO! gum will get caught in braces and will take them off and gum with sugar will let the sugar go through braces and then cause cavities

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Q: What brand of gum can you chew with braces?
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When you have braces are you not allowed to chew gum?

can you chew gum when you have braces? most dentist will say only sugar free gum,but i have chewed plenty of gum with my braces that have not been sugar free the only gum you really need to stay away from is the really sugary sticky gum like:huba bubba and gum like that, the type of gum that i have chewed with my braces that has been the easiest was 5 gum and orbit.i hope you are satisfied with my answer.

When you have braces can you eat gum?

It's recommended not to, because it can get stuck in your braces, and very hard to get that sticky mess out of them. If you want to chew gum with braces, try to be careful with it.

How do you destroy braces?

Chew lots of gum and candy, esp hard candy/ Chew lots of gum and candy, esp hard candy/

Some people say that gum helps move your teeth faster when you have braces. But I have also heard that it stalls the movement. So Is the dentist just telling you not to chew gum because it will stick?

You do not chew gum while wearing braces because it will stick in the wirework. Listen to the orthodontist, not "people". I am just adding on to this answer: I have braces and i chew freedent. In my opinion freedent does not taste very good ( and looses its flavor in less than a minute ). But, I have also chewed many different types of gum with braces and it is usually fine if u chew it in the back of your mouth.

Are you authorized to chew gum while in military uniform?

Yes you are aloud to chew sugar gum. BUT, not when you have braces or any orthodontic hardware in your mouth.

What type of gum can you chew with braces?

Yes you can chew gum with braces. I am the mother of 2 children with braces and a second won't go by where they don't have gum in their mouth;they chew gum 24/7. Just make sure that it's sugar free, because then it will affect the braces, and also put cavities under the brackets. All dentists use the same kind of wire and brackets, so just if you chew sugar free gum, then brackets won't fall off. If brackets fall off, I wouldn't think its the gum, because it probably isn't caused by gum. It's the way they are biting, so just try to work on that with them. I'm sure of all of this, as I'm an orthodontist. Just make sure that the gum is sugar free and you'll be fine.-Dr.Kathy :)Edited by ratsrock2957Yes you can, and it DOES NOT have to be sugar-freebecause I chew gum that has sugar in it never gets stuck in my braces. I usually chew Big Red or Doublemint and it doesn't get stuck, but I don't think that you can chew gumballs or other really sticky gum. Orthodontists are liars and you can eat almost everything you ate when you didn't have braces on, and orthodontists wouuldn't know because for most of them they have either neever had braces or had them when they were kids so they don not remember, and if they did get it stuck in their braces it was probably because they were chewing some sort of bubblegum or other sticky gum, and the gum and braces are alot newer so it won' get stuck in the braces like the orthodontists remember when they were eating their tootsie rolls back in the early 1900's

Chew sugar gum with braces what should do?

You should never chew chewing gum whilst having braces. Chewing gum can stick to the elastic on you brace and eventually stay their. That they causes tooth decay. You should nor drink coke or coca cola, this rots your teeth and starts to eventually rust away at your brace.

What gum can you eat with braces?

Really chewing gum wont do any major harm to your braces, it will bend a wire or loosen a bracket or band if you aren't careful. The real reason why you should chew gum is because it "sets" your teeth into position. Meaning your basically stopping what the braces are trying do do, braces move your teeth but chewing gum stops them. Counter productive, but not really hazardous...

Can people with braces chew gum?

NO its not i have braces and i chews gum with them once and 2 brackets broke. since its so sticky it gets stuck to the bracket a lil bit and it losens it. If u have braces and want to chew gum then just eat tic tacs or five hour mints or icebrakers tic taks come in awesome flavors to

Can people with retainers chew sugar-free gum?

If you have retainers it is kinda like braces.....chewing sugar-free gum is alright but it may hurt a little.

What kind of candies can you eat with braces?

Any thats not too hard or chewy! If you chew gum make sure it's sugar free (you dont want to get gum stuck on your braces!).

What can not you do when you have braces?

You can't chew suggared gum or other chewy candy, eat popcorn, hard candy, or drink soda