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Type your answer here... If you wanna make hamster food yourself than read this.Hamster food can be made 1cup of of oats and grains 1piece of shredded lettuce 2 cut up grapes a small pack of raisins and any wheat bread. This can last 1 hamster up to 2 weeks i have 2 hamsters and 2 pet miceand it last up to a week. So if you want your hamster to have a healthly diet than make Autumns healthy hamster food.

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Q: What hamster food can you make yourself that has a healthly diet?
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Is hamster food sweeter than bird food?

try it and see for yourself

Can you feed a hamster rat food?

No. Hamsters have a different diet than rats. You can just find a simple hamster mix, and fruits and veggies every once in awhile and that is basically hamster diet. Rats have a completely different diet. So please do not exchange their diets. Hope this helped!

What hamster food brand is most recommended by vets?

Hartz "Bananas" is a very nutritious hamster poo. It has fruits and vegetables to make a complete nutrition for a hamster's diet.

Types of food that is healthly?

fruits,grains, meats, vegetables,

What is the best hamster food to get?

Save the hamster food

Is a hamster fat?

Only if you feed it a lot of food or give it too many unhealthy treats. They are not supposed to be fat. Hamsters should have a balanced diet and be happy. Also the hamster might be pregnant.

What do hamsters need to stay healthy?

Clean cage with toys and clean water in water bottle, with a healthy selection of food from your local petstore. Refill the water bottles and empty the food bowl and put new in every day. Clean the cage everyday too.That is what you need to do for your hamster to stay healthly and happy!

What kind of seed do you feed your hamster?

You shouldn't feed your hamster seed except as an occasional treat according to my exotic vet as they will pick out only the things they love and not get a balanced diet rich in protein which the need. Get a pelleted or block type of hamster food to feed them properly. The seeded food also contribute to the hamster being overweight due to the fat content in seed preparations.

What is a high protein hamster food?

Go to store and look at the ingredients of the food on the hamster food package.

What are the foods for Hamster?

The basic, everyday food for all hamsters is a certain mix of muesli and nuts which can be purchased from the shop you got your hamster from. Also, you can feed your hamster any grains. I like to feed mine rice krispes. Feed your hamster a slice of banana or apple every two days. Do not add too much fruit into your hamster's diet, as it can cause indigestion.

What are hamster's diet?

A hamsters diet is usually the food you get in packets from pet shops, its a bit like muesli. However, I do not know much about normal hamsters, I know a lot on dwarf hamsters. Dwarf hamsters are tiny so still feed them the normal hamster food but only a small bit of it and once a week give it a bit of veg or fruit only as big as your fingernail though!

What food is the most healthy for a hamster?

Complete hamster mix, food that's specifically for hamsters.