

What happen 2years later in one piece?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Actually, if you really ARE a fan then it says 2 years later and they get stronger, surprisingly. Usopp uses a bomb from a green island and now it's called green devil or something? Nami goes to wheatheria or something and learns how to ... make clouds appear instantly, not using a stick and yeah... Sanji goes to cross-dressing island where he beats up all the girlie guy's ( no offence) and learns how to make his leg go on fire.>U<. Zorro goes where the ghostly girl is and beats up all the stupid monkeys. unfortunately his right eye gets scratched. Franky goes to a ice island and mostly gets his face burned in the first part and then makes himself "barely" human by adding GIANT arms and use missiles and has a little hand in his giant hand, press the nose and it resets his hair. Tony Tony Chopper goes to a perfect island except cave men and big birds live there. he increases his medicine case. Robin: don't know but maybe she goes to a village in the winter and girl becomes her friend. Brook gets captured in a villain place but somehow gets into show biz. Luffy goes to maiden island and trains with dark king Rayleigh . learns how to use Haki when he wants to and gets a new gear something. gains respect from dark king.

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