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He will become "stopped up" and uncomfortable. He will need to take a laxative and then won't be able to hold it anymore. The question would be: Why doesn't he want to go to the bathroom?"

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Q: What happen if a 10 year old boy hold his poop?
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I don't know.. Why don't you see how long you can hold it? :L

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On average, a 12-year-old can hold their bladder for about 4-5 hours. However, this can vary depending on the individual's hydration levels, bladder capacity, and overall health. It's important for children to listen to their body's signals and not hold their bladder for extended periods to prevent discomfort or potential health issues.

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Well... everyone is different but i wouldn't hold a little boy in a choke hold for very long. Oxygen will need to travel to his head and if it's unable to he can pass out.

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1 minute

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When I was a little boy my mother every time I did something bad she would make me hold it my pee and poop as punisment even when I got bladder infections Do you agree with this?

nope, that sounds like abuse.

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No anything can happen

Is boy poop a different colour?

No. The color is affected by what you eat, not by your sex.

What would happen if a 12-year-old boy asked a 6-year-old girl out?

Then the girl would be shout, "Ack! No way!"