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Then you can copy the word that you have seen and paste it to find the definition in a computer.

Example: Привет (Is a Russian word for Hello)

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Q: What happen if you saw a different language in a website and you do not understand what it means?
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If you would change the language of Haiti, then Haitians would speak a different language.

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Communicating across cultures will happen once you are talking to your co-Filipinos?

Yes because you talk the same language and therefore one can understand each other.

What would happen to the ecosystem if cheetahs were extinct?

go to a different website because this is bogus!!

When two people of the same culture speak the same language they always understand one another?

No, not at all. Misunderstandings happen all the time, even within families.

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Please rephrase your question. What you have asked cannot be answered because it does not make sense. What is a "will happen skill"? Yo must phrase the question in a language that readers will understand or they cannot provide you with the appropriate answer to satisfy your curiosity.

What will happen if everyone speak the same language all over the world?

If everyone spoke the same language worldwide, it could promote easier communication, enhance cultural exchange, and possibly foster a greater sense of global unity. However, there could be concerns about loss of linguistic diversity and potential impacts on regional cultures and identities.

What will happen without pentecost?

Without Pentecost, Christians would not have received the Holy Spirit, as recounted in the Bible. This event is considered the birth of the Christian church and is essential to the faith. It is celebrated as a significant event in the church calendar.

Why is there no universal language?

Languages grow and change as people use them. Since no one speaks to everybody else in the world on a regular basis, changes happen in different directions in different locations. We can notice this happening in the differences between American English and British English and the more time elapses, the more profound the changes. For example, Americans and Britons can understand each other with only a few stumbles. Danes and Swedes and Norwegians can also understand each other, but it's plain that they're speaking different languages. Spaniards, French, ltalians, Romanians, even though they all share Latin as a parent language, cannot understand each other. Some people claim that there once was a common Earth language, which they call "Nostratic," but if so, it was so long ago that any threads leading to modern languages have been broken.

When did Lua - programming language - happen?

Lua - programming language - happened in 1993.

How is it possible that individuals speaking the same language may confront cultural barriers to communication?

Even within a shared language, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings. These barriers may arise due to varying communication styles, different interpretations of words or gestures, nuances in non-verbal cues, or divergent socio-cultural norms. Awareness and sensitivity to these cultural differences are essential for effective communication among individuals speaking the same language.

What can happen if people do not understand customs?

they will not know what is right from wrong