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If you mean SELL a gun to a FELON, you have committed a serious crime. You are likely to be tried and sent to prison.

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Q: What happen if you see a gun to a felony and you knew he was one?
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Can you own a gun if you have a misdemeanor felony?

Crimes are misdemeanors or felonies. One or the other.

If you have a 10 year old felony in Georgia can you carry a gun?


Can some one that has a Felony buy a gun?

In most, if not all cases, no. Felony crimes are usually violent in nature, or carry longer prison sentences, and bar people convicted of a felony to buy, own or use firearms.

What does felony possession of a loaded firearm mean?

A felony is a crimnal act that can be punished by one year or more in prison. There are places where it is highly illegal to possess a loaded gun. If you are found to have a loaded gun in one of those places, that is the criminal charge that would be brought against you. Please be sure that you did not mean "Felon in possession of a loaded firearm". If you were convicted of an earlier felony, you lose your right to possess a gun. To be a felon in possession of a loaded gun is a separate crime. You should seek legal advice from an attorney in your state.

Can your spouse have a gun in Florida?

If your spouse is legally prohibited from owning a gun anywhere else in the US, they'll be prohibited from owning one in Florida. If they have no felony convictions, no domestic violence convictions (felony or domestic), and have not been adjudicated mentally defective, they can own one. If any of the circumstances described applies to them, they may not.

Use the word felony in a sentence?

A felony is a crime that is serious enough to get a jail sentence of more than one year. Obvious felonies are murder, robbery, and rape.Jack committed a felony when he robbed the bank. The jury convicted the rapist of his felony after a few minutes of deliberation. If you commit a felony you cannot vote or have a gun.

Can the wife of a felon in Illinois own a gun?

That all depends on the nature of the felony, and how long ago. IF the felony was a crime of domestic violence, then FEDERAL law prohibits you from ever possessing a firearm. If it was a violent felony or a felony involving a firearm in the past 20 years, no. Start by hiring an attorney- you will need one.

How do you get a gun permit in Iowa if you were denied?

If you were denied for a gun permit, you probably can't get one.

Can you buy a gun in Pennsylvania if you have a felony?

Yes, No and maybe are all valid answers. Which one applies to you will depend on your situation and what a lawyer says..

Can you shoot a gun if you have had a felony on your record?

No, not in the US. You cannot hold one in your hand. This is a Federal law that applies in all US States.

Slumdog millionaire how did jamal know who invented the gun?

he knew it because his brother had one, what is the name of his brother?

Is it a felony to shoot a full auto gun without a permit?

Depends. To possess an unlicensed full auto is a felony. Shooting a legal one isn't, so long as it's compliant with all applicable laws.