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Q: What happen in America arround 1930's based on the pearl by John Steinbeck?
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The Joads are fictional characters created by author John Steinbeck for his novel "The Grapes of Wrath," published in 1939. The book follows the Joad family as they struggle through the Great Depression in the 1930s.

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What were the goals of America in the 1930s?

The goals of America in the 1930s were to get the American citizens out of unemployment and starting to fend for their families and recover from the great deppression.

What is all about the 1930s in America?

it was about the great depression.

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What year is 'Mice and Men' based on?

"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck is set during the Great Depression in the early 1930s. It was published in 1937 and portrays the struggles of migrant workers during that time period.

How much are 1930s miniature pocelain dolls worth?

They can be worth hundreds of dollars if you have the right ones but the average price should be arround one hundred and fifty dollars, Thats average price.

Where did Art deco happen?

Everywhere. It originated in Paris but spread around the world, notably in the 1930s. Examples can be found from the US and Latin America to China and Africa, as well as across Europe.

What is the letter from Steinbeck to Claire luce?

John Steinbeck's letter to Claire Luce is believed to be a love letter expressing his feelings for her. Claire Luce was an actress and playwright whom Steinbeck had a romantic relationship with in the early 1930s. The exact contents of the letter are not widely known as it remains private.

What was work like in America in the 1930s?

it was hard for black people

What was America like in 1930s?

the pooed there pants EVERY day