

What happen in Christianity?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Denominations got scared of dwindling numbers. Pride entered in, and they actually thought something other then the gift of God (Jesus) was necessary to attract people to pay their mortgages, bloated salaries and fill the un-biblical buildings up with un-biblical toys to attract people. This they have accomplished, and they have elected to use the things of the world to attract people, (mainly the youth) and this drove out the elderly, spiritual people, thus, leaving behind a bunch of young, disrespectful people who don't/can't tithe, a church full of homosexuals, and apostasy run wild.
On top of, and intermingling with that, or actually aiding the process of all that, was the perverted and abused books of "purpose." Although full of some biblical principals, they led people by the millions to be totally disconnected with God, because they were "taught" "A" purpose, instead of realizing "their" Godly purpose. Not to mention, the books ignore repentance entirely, and don't even have the word in them. This is why, Warrens church, and all the new evangelical churches are actually allowing homosexuals to be "MEMBERS." Do you know what that says? That says; "Christ, would have unrepentant sexual deviance within and a part of His Holy Body. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! So, we may as well say, anything, anyone can be a an actual physical "MEMBER" of Christ's Holy body. People don't get this because they don't believe, nor have they been taught about the "Holiness" of God. To them, He is nothing but "love." Never minding the Holiness. What kind of parent has no boundaries for their children? That is, IF they love them?
We tell tall tales, and dream and fantasize of this beautiful Heaven, yet, if what the homosexually infested church were true, (which it is not) Heaven will look exactly like this pathetically perverse and vile earth. Who in their right mind would want to go from this suffering, hardship and hate of this short life time, to an eternity of that same crap? And if so, why bother, hell will be the same thing.
Just ask yourself, if God cares not about sin, then what is hell is reserved for? Or, how about this one? Why bother coming to earth as Christ and being killed by a bunch of people who hate you, if you're God, and you planned on letting them all in anyways? Is that some sort of cruel game of life or what? Get real people, believe that Gospel, believe that Old Testament that describes WHO GOD IS, throw away your purpose books, and perverted translations of the Word of God, and seek your purpose via the connection of your soul with His Spirit.
And more important, go back to that church that drove you out, with all its anti-biblical messages and demand you be part of bringing Christ back in and that kids don't need or want Nintendo games and parties to find God, EVERY THING NEEDED was supplied long before electricity and brick and mortar un-Godly buildings ever came on scene.

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