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they were killed

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Q: What happen to Jews that could not work in Germans concentration camps?
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Why did the Germans want to know were all of the Jews where?

So they could capture them and send them to concentration camps

How did people get their food in concentration camps?

Most commonly they stole, ate whatever they could find (corpses, dirt, grass), or whatever the Germans gave them.

Was Hitler in the concentration camp?

No, Hitler never went into the Concentration Camps because, he could have caught diseases like Typhus which were common in Concentration Camps.

Could children ever be born in concentration camps?

Yes, if the mother was going to give birth whilst they were in the concentration camps.

What did the Jews do that made the Germans lose the First World War which made the Germans build all those concentration camps which killed all those Jews?

the Jews did nothing wrong. its was just after the first world war and Germany was in a terrible state the NAZI party rose to power and Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews on the state of Germany. that is why the Germans built the concentration camps so they could make the Jews suffer how the Germans thought the Jews made their country suffer.

What was the resettlement program Hitler made Jews go to?

I presume that you mean the ghettos, concentration camps, and death camps. Ghettos were closed off portions of towns and cities, most famously the Warsaw Ghetto, where Jews were forced to live. The ghettos were gradually liquidated, and the Jews sent to concentration and death camps as quickly as the Germans could manage.

What work was done in the Warsaw ghetto?

The Jews were forced to build a wall. This was done so the Jews could not escape until the Germans could send them to concentration camps. Many were sent to Treblinka for extermination.

Why did Hitler want to free Europe from the Jews and Communism?

Because the Germans began to blame the Jewish because the Germans lost the war. The Germans did not want to accept the fact that they lost and they thought that the Jews were the reason for it... so they captured all the Jews from wherever they could find them, brought them to Poland and put them in the concentration camps. In the concentration camps, the Jews were put in very thin layers of clothing, given very less food, etc. If you want to find out more about the Holocaust then you can read Elie Wiesel's book Night. It is a very powerful book and he shares his memories he had in the concentration camps.

This was the process of dividing the Jews at the concentration Camps?

The word is selection. Some Jews were selected for work, the rest were sent to the gas chambers. This could only happen (on a large scale) at camps that were both extermination camps and labour camps, namely Auschwitz and Majdanek.

How do Jews of sight deny what the Nazis are doing in Europe?

The Jews were tricked by the Nazi Germans. The Jews and the general populace of Germany bought all the lies the Nazi Germans fed them about the Jews and the concentration camps. Most Germans believed the death camps were work camps and war manufacturing places - they are the ones who lived in denial because they feared for their lives and rightly so. They knew they were not labor camps. You could smell the stink of death from more than a mile a way. They knew. Many Jews escaped or fled to the forests in various countries. Some managed to make it to the US and the presidential cabinet heard the horrid truth about the concentration camps.

What methods were used to calm Jews as they entered the concentration camps?

Sometimes Jews were drugged or starved on the journey to the concentration camps. Also, they might have entered the camps at night, when they could not see the condition of the camps.

What would happen if Auschwitz did not exist?

It is impossible to accurately answer this question, although it could be surmised that other concentration camps would simply have continued to function.