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Q: What happen to energy that is consumed in the food wen?
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Do energy changes happen during a irreversible change?

yes, bacause if u plug a charger in a socket, the energy is comin out, but wen u take the charger back out of the socket, there is no energy left.

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It exploded.

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You begin to smell

How do you get energy on frontier ville on facebook?

U can get energy severl ways. Wen u level up u get a max refill. U also get 1 energy every 5 minutes. U can energy en harvesting crops and wen helping neigbors and get bonuses from them.

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it ends a family relation

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ant hills happen wen a queen ant and her 'tribe' comes along and builds the hill

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you will most likely get burned

How do you know when food has gone off?

wen it goes moldey duhhh lols

What is in aCamels Hump?

body fat/ water, wen on long journeys across the desert, camels can go long periods of timewithout food or water because of the energy and nutriens contained in the hump. hope i helped

When is energy used?

Energy is useful when we do our household tasks because it makes our tasks more easier and faster.

How charging and discharging of capacitors happened?

in the capacitor they have constant voltage wen supply is given the capacitor get charged(high voltage)and discharge energy wen the voltage is low below the applied voltag.