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Q: What happen to people who contract aids?
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Who can contract aids?

ANYBODY who is sexually active can contract Aids.

What can happen to people that have aids?

The worst-case scenario is that the person dies.

What STDs can you get from AIDS?

AIDS is an immune system disease caused by HIV, which is spread by sex, among other ways. AIDS does not cause other STDs, although people with AIDS are more likely to have complications if they contract STDs.

Why do people that have AIDS contract tuberculosus easily?

All people that are infected with HIV are suspicious to bacterial infection due to lower number of leukocytes.People with HIV can be infected with bacteria that normally it doesn't affect the humans, this happen wile their immunity it is suppressed.

Which do you get first AIDS HIV or AIDS related diseases?

People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

How do people get AIDS?

By having sexual intercourse without protection. People can get AIDS by sexual intercourse or even open wound to open wound with a person who has AIDS. That being one of the reasons why doctors do not reuse needles and wear gloves. Other reasons are for their own safety and the patients safety. Blood is normally tested when donating or receiving blood but you can contract AIDS from the transfer of blood. AIDS is also the progressed stage of HIV. Not everyone that has HIV progresses to AIDS though (being the reason for the term "HIV/AIDS"). So it is possible to contract HIV then it to progress to AIDS.

Can a woman contract aids by having unsafe sex for a one min?

yes just by coming in contact with the penis of a person that has aids you can contract it

How many children are afflicated with AIDS and how do they usually contract this disease?

What is the full form of first aids ?

How did Eazy-E contract aids?

he was a butt pirate.

How Did Dennis Stewart Contract Aids?

because he knows to do it

How do you contract aids?

The same way that straight people develop AIDS: having unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners and being infected with HIV.The same way straight men get aids, sex

I am working on a project on hivaids can you tell me that at what age can aids happen if sex is the reason for example can a girl of 7years have aids due to sex?

Yes. Anyone can contract AIDS anywhere and at any age provided that there was sexual contact between two parties. Just to help you, AIDS can only be transferred through sexual contact and contact with contaminated blood, such as sharing needles with a carrier of AIDS. Hope that helped you.