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they go to heaven and become bffs with god

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Q: What happen to the bodies of plants and animals after they die?
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What will happen to people and animals if their no plants?

They will die.

When the population in an environment changes what happen to the plants and animals in the environment?

they is will die and the animals is die too the plants also too

What will happen if plants and animals disappear from Earth?

We will all die!

What will happen if all of the plants and animals are extinct?

We all DIE!

What wiil happen to animals and plants if the ozone layer is greatly damaged?

The animals and plants will die due to global warming

What will happen if all rain forest plants die?

All animals will die in the forests

What might happen to plants and animals if their is more rain then usual?

what will happen is the plants will have too much water and die

What happen to plants and animals after a volcano erupt?

they die or sometimes stay alive

What will happen if there is no water?

one of the WEIRDEST Questions! plants will die ..animals will die , humans will die!! there will be no living things.

What will happen when the plants and animals are destroyed?

we all die! because they will be no food, it is in the food chain!it kindof depends if animals die first well we wont die automaticle,because we have plants to eat.BUT IFALL PLANTS DIE WE WILL ALL DIE WITHIN 2 MONTHS

What will happen to animals and plants if the ozone layer pops?

the earth will rapidly heat up and there will be only dryed food for animals and they will die and same with plants

What would happen to plants or animals in different environmental organisms?

They will die.(Improve if want!) :) :p