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you will sufficate die for the lack of oxygen

The first is correct only if the gas is nearly pure nitrogen, without significant oxygen. Otherwise, there will be no ill effects whatsoever.

The earth's atmosphere is 79% nitrogen, so everybody is breathing primarily nitrogen all the time! The fact is, the nitrogen does almost nothing except dilute the oxygen we breathe (which is about 20% of the atmosphere). This dilution is important -- breathing pure oxygen for prolonged periods is injurious.

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13y ago

You feel absolutely great, like inhaling heroin, but within a matter of seconds, you pass out, because nitrogen gas replaces the oxygen in your body, necessary for survival. If you are not resuscitated with a rich supply of oxygen within the next minute,you will die from asphyxia due to oxygen starvation.

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Q: What happen to the nitrogen you inhale into your lungs?
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The lungs largely exhale carbon dioxide and water vapor along with the non-oxygen components of the air taken in (such as nitrogen).

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Yes: Because air contains both nitrogen and oxygen and inhaling brings air in gas phase into contact with the lungs, it is impossible to breathe under normal conditions without inhaling nitrogen.

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One balloon full? Nothing. We breathe Nitrogen constantly. It is only when you increase the proportion inhaled in comparison to Oxygen does it begin to have an effect. A constant stream of Nitrogen would suffocate you.

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with your lungs

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the lungs :)

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when lungs inhale oxygen what does it exhale as waste

What gas do we inhale?

We normally inhale 'air' which is mostly nitrogen (approx. 78%), oxygen, (approx. 21%) a little argon and other trace gasses, the lungs extract the oxygen which the body needs and we exhale the rest with a little waste carbon dioxide which was removed from the body by the lungs.

If nitrogen were pumped into your lungs at high pressure what would happen to its solubility in your blood?

It would increase.

How much nitrogen do you inhale?

In air there is 20.98% Oxygen, so that's what we inhale. We exhale 16% of this Oxygen; hence why cardiopulmonary resuscitation is possible.

When you breath in what happens to your lungs?

When you inhale, you breath in oxygen and your lungs get bigger.