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The uterus wall becomes thick and rich with blood vessels.

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Q: What happens to the uterus wall if fertilisation is successful?
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What happens to the wall of the uterus if no fertilisation takes place?

it breaks and this is why women have periods, women have periods as soon as they hit puberty ranging from 8 to 18.

What happens to the level of hormones and the wall of the uterus if no fertilisation takes place?

superman then goes and stabs 100 bad guys and the he goes to sleep because he would have a headache. then he would then wake up and shot himself becasue he know's he can't live.

What happens to the embryo upon reaching the uterus?

Embryo get implanted on the uterine wall.

What happens to a fertilized egg inside the uterus?

It's usually fertilized in the Fallopian tube, travels down into the uterus where it attaches to the wall there

What happens to the uterus wall before the release of an egg?

After the release of an egg, the uterus will form a thick lining of blood within its wall in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. If the egg will not be fertilized, the thick lining of blood with exit the body in the process of menstruation.

What happens in the wall of the uterus to push the baby out.?

The muscles contract which in turn push the baby out.

What happens if the placenta bleeds first trimester of pregnancy?

It might separate from the wall of the uterus causing a miscarriage.

What does the word conceive mean?

Become pregnant. It happens when the sperm fertilisies the egg and the egg implants in the wall of the uterus (womb).

What the word conceived mean?

Become pregnant. It happens when the sperm fertilisies the egg and the egg implants in the wall of the uterus (womb).

What implants itself into a wall of a uterus during pregnancy?

Fertilized ovum implants itself on the wall of the uterus. It is called as zygote.

What is involed in ivf treatment?

A sperm and egg are taken from separate donors. The outer protective shell on the surface of the female egg is removed. This causes fertilisation. It is placed in a test tube and the cells have to bond on the uterus wall. After they have bonded together it is implanted into the mother's uterus. The egg is fertilised and the mother will wait 9 months until she gives birth

What inplants itself into the wall of the uterus during pregnancy?

The fertilized egg (embryo) impants itself into the wall of the uterus after conception.