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Gram staining refers to separating bacterial species into two groups, gram-positive and gram-negative, which defines the physical and chemical properties. Skipping a step in this process could result in a mixed group of the bacterial species.

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13y ago

Heat fixing causes the bacteria in question to affix to the slide. If you skipped this step, the bacterial cells might shift on the slide when you rinse off the different agents, which would render your stain useless since all of the bacteria would be down the drain.

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11y ago

Heat fixing causes the bacteria in question to affix to the slide. If you skipped this step, the bacterial cells might shift on the slide when you rinse off the different agents, which would render your stain useless since all of the bacteria would be down the drain.

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Why is most research involving adult stem cells performed using model organisms?

Because Model Organism's are non-human species, and researches don't want anything catastrophic to happen if they were using a human to experiment on.

Why does food go down the wrong way and into the windpipe when you eat?

Saliva, water or food can go down the wind pipe and your bodies reflex mechanism comes to play so that you cough in order to expel it. This happens if you try to rush and eat quickly, or talk while eating. It can also happen if you have had local anaesthetic spray in your throat for any surgical procedure and usually should not eat or drink for about an hour after the procedure.

What happens if you listen too much music?

You could A. Get Earworms B. Get bored of music or C. Nothing will happen. Some Anthropologists believe that music interacts with us on a deep instinctual level, involving us being in our little tribes for a few hundred thousand years. Long story short, we could very well have evolved to be affected by music. So I don't think anything will happen unless you listen to it too loud.

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A perceived risk is a risk in which one thinks of that might happen before commiting an action involving that risk. An actual risk is a risk that has a better likelihood of happening. For example, getting a splinter is a perceived risk while walking barefoot. However, an actual risk is a car crash.

Are embryonic stem cells being used to treat diseases?

There is research being done and tests being run, nothing has yet confirmed that they have actually successfully used the procedure to cure any real disease yet. There is massive discussions about this and there has not been evidence of any further procedures to happen.

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What would happen if no heat fixing were done?

If no heat fixing was done to a slide with a specimen on it, it would be rinsed off with the gram staining procedure. Heat fixing the specimen does kill specimen but it also locks it in place.

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