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Saliva, water or food can go down the wind pipe and your bodies reflex mechanism comes to play so that you cough in order to expel it. This happens if you try to rush and eat quickly, or talk while eating. It can also happen if you have had local anaesthetic spray in your throat for any surgical procedure and usually should not eat or drink for about an hour after the procedure.

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Q: Why does food go down the wrong way and into the windpipe when you eat?
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Why doesn't food go down the wrong way and into the windpipe when you eat?

there is a muscular tissue there that opens and closes to protect it.

What structure prevents the passage of food into the trachea?

There are two pipes, the windpipe (trachea) and the esophagus. When you eat food, a little flap (the epiglottis) goes over the windpipe to stop you getting food into your lungs. That's why when you try to eat with your mouth full you often choke. (You're trying to breathe and eat at the same time!)

Flap of tissue which prevents food the food from entering the windpipe when swallowing?

The epiglottis sort of hangs down in the back of the throat and it helps prevent food from entering the trachea when we eat.

What is epiglottis and what is its purpose?

It's a "flap" that covers either the trachea or esophagus. It prevents you from choking. When you eat, it covers the trachea so food will go down the esophagus and not the windpipe (trachea). If food gets down your trachea, you will choke.

How do poos come out of bottoms?

When you eat your food it goes down your windpipe. When it reaches your bowels your bowels will sort out all the waste food and the good food. The waste food then goes into your bottom so you can poo! Have fun pooing!!

Are throat and windpipe the same?

No. The windpipe is a thin-walled, cartilaginous tube descending from the larynx to the bronchi and carrying air to the lungs. It is really called the trechea. The esophagus on the other hand goes into your stomach and the food goes down it.

Does the epiglottis prevent food from entering the windpipe?

Yes epiglottis act as a shield or better to say a door with onesided movement.when we eat something the door(epiglottis) closes the entrance to windpipe or larynx and after the food passes to the food pipe or pharynx it again opens up and allow breathing.

What does the epiglottis do?

So food or water will not enter into your windpipe and breathing system (lungs). The food and water then avoid going down the windpipe because of this flap - the epiglottis and go into the digestive track - down the esophagus.

How does someone with a tracheotomy eat?

A tracheaotomy only affects the windpipe, and they swallow their food just like everybody else.

What another term for the trachea?

The trachea is also called our windpipe. It is located parallel to the esophagus, which food passes through into the stomach. When we eat the rood of the trachea closes so food won't go into our lungs. If partial food or water enters the trachea our gag reflex occurs and we begin to cough.

What happens to the larynx as you swallow the food you eat?

There is a piece of cartilage called the epiglottis which folds over the opening of the larynx as the person is swallowing. This prevents food from going into the windpipe.

Is it mental abuse if your ex is telling your children that you are the devil and that every thing you do is wrong down to the food that you eat fishing boating music is all bad now in their minds?

Yeah. It is cruel and wrong.