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The link location opens in a new window

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Q: What happen when you hold SHIFT while clicking a link?
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How do you shift click?

Hold the Shift key with one hand while clicking the mouse with the other.

How do you quickly grab stuff out of a minecraft chest?

You hold down "shift" while clicking on the items.

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If you hold Shift while clicking your pregnant Sim there is an option to *feel baby*. The mother then feels the baby.

How do you quickly grab stuff from chests in Minecraft?

After opening a chest, to quickly grab an item, hold shift while clicking the item and it will go straight to your inventory.

How do you copy and paste beats on dubturbo?

For one bar hold shift key and click the bar. For copying and pasting multiple bars hold down shift key on a bar and highlight it the press control while clicking on multiple bars. Now drag and all higlighted can be copied and pasted.

What happen when you press shift and 2?

hold the shift and also pressed 2. then show " this simblol

How do you make your sims needs static on The Sims 2?

You open up the cheat window ( CTRL then SHIFT then C ). Type into it: boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true ... exactly like that. Then hold down shift while clicking on the mailbox and clicking more until you find "make needs static". To undo this click "make needs dynamic".

How do you put a sign on a chest in Minecraft?

Putting signs on chests is actually really simple. All you have to do is hold Shift (this makes you crouch) and right click the sign on the chest. This technique can be referred to as "Shift-clicking." This also works for blocks that are capable of being opened while right clicking, such as furnaces and crafting tables. You can also do this with other blocks and not just signs.

What is the max motive cheat for Sims 3?

there is a cheat..... "testingcheatsenabled true" hold shift while clicking the mailbox.. click on "make all happy" you will only see their motives go up if your in live mode

How do you control another sim in Sims 3?

open up the cheat menu by using ctrl shift C then enter the cheat testingcheatsenabled true then hold down shift while clicking on the sim you wish to control, you will then have the option to add that sim to your current active household.

How can you get your computer to bring up new windows or tabs when clicking on links?

Right-click the link, then choose "open in a new tab" or "open in a new window". An even quicker method is to hold down the ctrl key while clicking the link to open in a new tab, or hold down the shift key while clicking it to open in a new browser window. This not only works with links on a webpage, but also with those in your Favorites list as well as the quick-link icons in your Favorites Bar.

How do you use a skateboard on Stick RPG?

you hold shift while moving