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The colonists forced the sent to New York and Philadelphia to turn back.

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Q: What happend the the British ships with the tea in all the colonial ports except Boston?
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What happened t the British ships with tea in all the colonial ports except Boston?

Most of them were sent back home after the Boston tea party others had other incidents

What happened to the British ships with all the colonial ports except Boston?

They were stolen from and what was still there was sent home after 34 days... In Virginia it was sent back in 21 days...

What happened to the British ships with tea in the colonial ports except Boston?

They were stolen from and what was still there was sent home after 34 days... In Virginia it was sent back in 21 days...

What happened to the British ships tea in all the colonial ports except Boston?

They were stolen from and what was still there was sent home after 34 days... In Virginia it was sent back in 21 days...

After the Boston massacre all townshend acts were repealed except what?

After the Boston Massacre, all of the Townshend Acts were repealed except for the tax on tea. This led to widespread anger and opposition, eventually culminating in the Boston Tea Party in 1773.

What series of event linked the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party?

The British taxes on goods created hard feelings between the British and colonists. British soldiers panicked during a protest and caused the Boston Massacre. The British repealed all taxes except the one on tea in an effort to prove to the colonists that they had the power to tax the colonies. The colonists protested and caused the Boston Tea Party.

How were the townshend acts?

In 1767 British Parliament decided to tax the American colonists. The series of four acts (The Townshend Acts) imposed duties on imports of lead, paint, glass, paper, and tea and established a board of customs commissioners to enforce collection. They also revived colonial quartering of British troops. The colonists protested the new laws as taxation without representation and resisted compliance. Nonimportation agreements among colonial merchants cut British imports in half by 1769. In 1770 all the duties except the tax on tea were repealed. However during the course of their being unfairly taxed the colonists snuck into the Boston Harbor, disguised as Indians, and dumped tea into Boston Harbor; thus the Boston Tea Party was born.

Why did the british move their campaign from New England to new york?

During the Revolutionary the British abandoned Boston. The situation in Boston became untenable. Or, they could not hold it. The United States could attack with its army and defeat the British Army. Instead, the British could go to New York. The United States had nothing that could match the British naval guns. New York City, except for The Bronx, is completely surrounded by water. The British could stay in New York as long as they wanted and use it as a base. Unlike Boston, the British in Boston could use ships for Artillery against infantry.

Did the British Parliament repeal all of the Townsend acts taxes except the Tax on tea after the Boston Massacre?

No. The king got mad and closed the port of Boston, sent in more troops and added more taxes.

Which aspect of life in India demonstrates the influence of the British colonial period?

Almost all aspects of life are influenced by British. Whether it is education, government, administration, etc., except corruption and crimes against women, which are Indian in origin.

How did the Colonial merchants protest the Townshend act?

The Townshend Acts applied duties (taxes) to paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea imported by the colonies. Townshend had studied the colonist's distinction between internal and external taxes and he believed his duties were external as none of the products, except tea, could be made in the colonies. The colonists did not agree with his thinking and the result was a colonial boycott against British products. Trade between England and America fell off by 50 percent as a result of the boycott. The British merchants complained to Parliament who repealed the Townshend Duties except the tax on tea.

When the colonial leaders met in Philadelphia there were delegates from every colony except which one?

Except Georgia.